Tuesday 26 April 2016


Laughter is a natural phenomenon.
In fact your doctor will encourage you to laugh and smile as much as possible because it is good for your health, however laughter or a smile could equally mean tacit approval just like a nod.
This is why it   must be controlled. Laughing or smiling sheepishly can be irritating and even doing it at the wrong time and place can be viewed with total disdain. 
So when the Bible tells you that there is time for everything under the sun it did not mince words and was not playing to the gallery. 
Talking about laughter and smile as tacit approval.  These days when incidences of rape and taking advantage of young girls  by mentally deranged young men and dirty minded old men has become a recurring decimal, parents especially mothers must be extra vigilant and must resist the temptation to smile or laugh at any act which appears to show that anybody known or unknown is taking or about to take advantage of their young ones.
 How many times do you check your kid’s school bag? Do you query them when you see a packet of biscuit which you did not buy in that bag? 
 How many times do you assist them in their home work and by so doing interact with them long enough to the point that they are free to  tell you who said what and who did what in School and at home while you were away?
 When you notice a particular uncle has taken it upon himself to buy your kids biscuit and other bag of rubbish unsolicited do you immediately call the fellow to order and warn him to dump the unsolicited gesture or do you smile sheepishly or even pretend not to have seen it? 
Such unsolicited gesture could be a prelude to acting a devilish script that can ruin that child if not dictated.
 Laugh and smile if and when you must, but never be sheepish about it and never put up a façade in the midst of a developing bad behavior that should be nipped in the bud, doing so is like postponing the dooms day. 

Shine Your Eyes Always!

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