Friday 6 April 2018


The society today is tuning upside down.  Increasingly there are few things to elicit happiness as more and more signs of irresponsibility take the centre stage.
There is so many pretenses in the system.  Things simply go bad and you wonder how we got to the point where nobody noticed.  It is not that nobody noticed, it is just that we are too pretentious for my liking. 
We constantly want to libel black spots white even in broad day light.  Those with superior argument able to sway others with power of oratory even if what they are saying is garbage, assume they are very smart and are in fact seen as such.
We see people do the wrong thing with reckless abandon and we pretend not to have seen it. This is actually a sin!
We see relatives who do things worthy of condemnation and nobody will muster enough courage to tell them to their faces that they are doing the wrong thing. 
We see friends, colleagues, classmates and course mates alike in absurdities and nobody will dare say you have gone off the mark.  We see a man that is so vindictive that he cannot forgive even the smallest of wrongs lasting over 30 years or more, and no one can remind him that he is not god and that if God were to mark all that he has done wrongly against other people he would have been 18feet not six feet below.
We cannot look into the eyes of such a fellow and say "man you are very wicked and vindictive, change your ways or perish"
No! We prefer to sing the praises of such fellows and by so doing help to spread the virus. Blogging offers you an opportunity to pour out your mind on issues of interest.
Sometimes either as a result of passion or line of job or training you could select a specialised area of human endeavor to concentrate upon.
So when I decided to try my hands on this vocation vide, it was an all sport affair but honestly it will amounting to boxing oneself in a corner to dwell on only one area when indeed there are so many areas that need to be talked about in the cause of forcing all to work towards a better society. 
We cannot continue this way so the focus will have to expand as I begin to address issues that must need to be addressed and even re-addressed. I may not promise that it will be on the stable every minute but something new whenever time and space permits because there are so many things needing attention within the 24 hours in a day.
When the line ups begin to roll, feel free to agree or disagree with the submission made and together we push towards a better society.
 It is time to join TOWARDS A BETTER SOCIETY (TABS) champagne. Call a spade by its name not by any other name.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, the fact that good people have decided to sit down and do nothing while evil thrive has made the virus of injustice and acceptance of evil as the norm spread like wild fire. How do we get ourselves out of this mess we are in?
