Saturday 25 June 2016


The dog no doubt tops the list of domesticated animals that have had to share residence and environment with man.
Others of course include goat, sheep, cow, cat and many more.
 In fact the relationship between man and dog dates back to thousands of years.  The dog as man's companion has played and continues to play prominent role in the life of men especially in areas of security. 

Most security agents have dogs unit where men and dog combine resources to keep criminals and criminal activity in check.  It is not out unusual to see the police for instance at the airport with sniffer dogs and all that.  This is why the dog especially the ones trained and used for security purposes undergo regular health check up and eat good food to be mentally and physically ready for their day to day activities. Of course it is not just about dogs and security, some also own dogs as pets.  In some cases these dogs serve dual purpose that of being a pet and a companion by warding off intruders and by extension criminals.
Having identified the good side of the dog, it is also important to note that the dog can be a huge danger that should not be kept at home.
For instance a hungry dog or one that has developed madness is not in a position to recognize its owner and may derive interest in attacking anyone in the vicinity thus becoming a danger to the community.
While those who can afford it and have private compounds with private gates can be said to be better disposed to keeping one it becomes baffling when a man who is struggling to feed and lives in a public compound owns and rears dogs.  Some might find this fun but I believe it is abnormal.  Why leave lose dogs to roam about in search of food, scavenging around and even attacking innocent children and passersby.  Does ownership of this sort of unattractive and dirty dogs earn their owners any societal recognition? Only few weeks ago in a suburb of Lagos a woman had gone to buy some essentials across her street only to be attacked by a dog that gave her multiply bites.
Although the owner accepted to bear the cost of treatment just tetanus injection given to her by a nearby nurse, it was not without argument a near fight scenario before the bad-mouthed owner accepted to take responsibility.
In decent societies, ownership and rearing of dogs requires certification. The owner must be seen to be capable of keeping it and must keep it in such a way that it does not constitute danger or nuisance to other residents. Getting priority right is rather important. Why own a dog or dogs just because some of your mates have them? The state Houses of Assembly have it as responsibility to protect the well being of residents within their constituency, and passing a bill prohibiting wrong ownership and rearing of dogs should be one of their responsibilities.

Lose animals come in contact with a lot of diseases in the course of scavenging for food and these diseases can easily be passed on to humans. Health Authorities will tell you that it is cheaper to prevent a disease than to manage an epidemic. These days that states and local governments seek bail out and are unable to boost their internally generated revenue, this is one area they can help sanitize the society. Those who own lose dogs should be identified and made to pay heavy fine and the animals confiscated. Endangering other peoples’ lives with impunity should not be condoned by any descent society!

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